# wxml/no-vue-directive
# Backgroud
wxml directives collection
, wx:for-item
, wx:for-index
, wx:key
Wechat Document Reference (opens new window)
vue directives collection
# Motivation
This is a funny rule, beacauce many miniprogram developers has vuejs
development experience background, so developer will write v-xx
directive in wxml code, that's muscle memory, this rule to avoid it.
<!-- ✓ GOOD -->
<view wx:if="{{show}}"> {{title}}</view>
<!-- ✗ BAD -->
<view v-if="{{show}}"> {{title}}</view>
<view v-else-if="{{hide}}"> {{title}}</view>
💡 tips
You can edit code via online editor, it's online REPL, try to fix eslint problem !
# Config
No special options, normal config is ok
{ "wxml/no-vue-directive": "error" }
# Version
This rule was introduced in eslint-plugin-wxml v0.2.1