# wxml/no-unnecessary-block
# Background
Block with logic condition
block wx:if
Because wx:if is a control property, you must add it to a tag. To judge multiple component tags at once, you can use a <block/>
tag to package multiple components together and use the wx:if control property above.
Wechat Document Reference (opens new window)
block wx:for
Similar to block wx:if, you can use wx:for on a <block/>
tag to render a structural block containing multiple nodes.
# Optimize
In some case, you don't need <block />
, following code is equivalent.
<block wx:for="{{list}}" wx:key="id">
<goods name="{{item.name}}" img="{{item.imgUrl}}" />
equivalent to
less code but same effect and more clean
# Motivation
optimize code to make sense and reduce code size
is not a component
, just a package element
. It does not perform any rendering on the page and only accepts control properties.
But in a special edge case, we allow block only contain a single child element.
<block wx:if="{{showList}}">
<view wx:for="{{list}}"> {{item.name}}</view>
Wechat miniprogram official disallow using wx:for
with wx:if|wx:elif|wx:else
at same tag, the only solution is use <block />
to wrap the loop list.
<!-- ✓ GOOD -->
<block wx:if="{{show}}"> {{title}}</block>
<block wx:if="{{show}}">
<multi-children />
<sub-view />
<!-- use <block /> to wrap loop list is official recommended -->
<block wx:if="{{showList}}">
<view wx:for="{{list}}"> {{item.name}}</view>
<!-- ✗ BAD -->
<block wx:for="{{list}}" wx:key="id">
<goods name="{{item.name}}" img="{{item.imgUrl}}" />
<block wx:if="{{show}}"> </block>
<block wx:if="{{show}}">
<sub-view />
💡 tips
You can edit code via online editor, it's online REPL, try to fix eslint problem !
# Config
No special options, normal config is ok
{ "wxml/no-unnecessary-block": "error" }
# History
Version | Changes |
v0.5.0 | allow use single <block /> as non-ui component placeholder |
v0.4.0 | allow single child when loop list to avoid this error (opens new window) |
# Version
This rule was introduced in eslint-plugin-wxml v0.3.0