# no-restricted-syntax

# Background


no-restricted-syntax is a ESLint's builtin rule, allow you use specify AST selectors (opens new window) to restrict some syntax, allowing much more precise control over syntax patterns.

# Motivation

This is not a eslint-plugin-wxml's feature, but you can use this rule directly, because it's ESLint's builtin support. Just doc this rule make your lint be more powerful.

# What syntax can selectors have?

The following selectors are supported:

  • AST node type: ForStatement
  • wildcard (matches all nodes): *
  • attribute existence: [attr]
  • attribute value: [attr="foo"] or [attr=123]
  • attribute regex: [attr=/foo.*/] (with some known issues (opens new window))
  • attribute conditions: [attr!="foo"], [attr>2], [attr<3], [attr>=2], or [attr<=3]
  • nested attribute: [attr.level2="foo"]
  • field: FunctionDeclaration > Identifier.id
  • First or last child: :first-child or :last-child
  • nth-child (no ax+b support): :nth-child(2)
  • nth-last-child (no ax+b support): :nth-last-child(1)
  • descendant: FunctionExpression ReturnStatement
  • child: UnaryExpression > Literal
  • following sibling: VariableDeclaration ~ VariableDeclaration
  • adjacent sibling: ArrayExpression > Literal + SpreadElement
  • negation: :not(ForStatement)
  • matches-any: :matches([attr] > :first-child, :last-child)
  • class of AST node: :statement, :expression, :declaration, :function, or :pattern

This syntax is very powerful, and can be used to precisely select many syntactic patterns in your code. The examples in this section were adapted from the esquery (opens new window) documentation.

<!-- ✓ GOOD --> <view class="main"></view> <!-- ✗ BAD --> <!-- disable WXAttribute[key=class][value=class] --> <view class="class"></view> <!-- disable WXScript --> <wxs src="../../utils.wxs" />
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💡 tips

You can edit code via online editor, it's online REPL, try to fix eslint problem !

# Config

No special options, normal config is ok

{ "no-restricted-syntax": ["error", "WXAttribute[key=class][value=class]", "WXScript"] }

# Version

This rule is ESLint builtin support, you can use it and don't need care the version of eslint-plugin-wxml.